Whether you are a transitioning Soldier, veteran, or military spouse who is seeking employment, there are many resources to help you on your path to employment success. 



From the day that you join the Army, you know at some point – whether it’s in four years, six years, or 20+ years – you will be transitioning back into the civilian world. And there are things that you can do while you are serving to help set you up for success down the road:

Be sure to sign up for the U.S. Army Partnership for Your Success (Army PaYS) Program as soon as you are eligible. The Army PaYS Program helps Soldiers prepare for their future while serving their country by matching them with employers who will guarantee them interviews for possible employment after their Army service.

Also be sure that you make use of the Tuition Assistance Program and the Credentialing Assistance Program so you leave the military with a degree or credential.

It’s also never too early to learn about other career training options that you can pursue while you are still serving.


Once it’s time to transition out of the Army, you have many resources available to you to help you with your next move:

The Managing Your Transition Timeline from DoD TAP has a wealth of information about the timing of, and resources for, your Army transition.

Make sure you start the U.S. Army Transition Assistance Program (TAP) early and attend often (because you – and your spouse – CAN!). Transitioning Soldiers should begin their TAP process no later than 365 days before leaving the Army. The earlier you start, and the more you take advantage of the resources that are available to you, the more prepared (and successful) you will be.

TAP is a “commander’s program” requiring direct leadership involvement during each Soldier’s transition process. For a successful transition, Soldiers must complete the first steps NLT 365 days before separation. The Soldier’s first steps include:

  • Step 1: Complete Registration and the Self-Assessment
  • Step 2: Complete an Individual Initial Counseling with a TAP counselor
  • Step 3: Complete a Pre-Separation Counseling
  • TAP is responsible for providing Soldiers with mandated counseling, employment, and education workshops required to achieve Career Readiness Standards pursuant to:
    • DoD Instruction 1332.35, Transition Assistance Program (TAP) for Military Personnel (26 September 2019)
    • Title 10 United States Code (U.S.C), Chapter 58, Sections 1142, 1143, and 1144
    • AR 600-81, Transition Assistance Program (12 April 2024)
  • All Soldiers in the Regular Army and the Active Guard Reserve Program, completing 180 days of continuous Active-Duty service, are required to complete TAP counseling and training before the transition date on their DD 214.
  • Eligible Soldiers can begin receiving transition counseling and employment assistance as early as 18-months but NLT 365-days prior to transitioning from Active Duty, or retirees as early as 24-months but NLT 12-months. 

Access the services, including career exploration and self-assessments, offered by the Employment Readiness Program at your installation Army Community Service office.

Hopefully you made use of your Education & Career Training benefits while you were serving, but don’t forget that Army Career Skills Program/DoD SkillBridge Program eligibility begins 180 days before you transition.

Make sure you find a mentor, continue expanding your network, and start working on your resume and job search using the resources linked here!



Veterans, you have access to a lot of the same resources that transitioning Soldiers (and military spouses) have access to PLUS many others that are just for you:

There are many resources to help you (and your family) find a mentor, network, and prepare for your job search.

You continue to have access to many education and training resources if you want to further your education to help advance your career.

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Careers & Employment - The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) homepage for veteran job resources. 

VA Veteran Employment Resources - Employment resources that can help you find a career or get job training as you transition to civilian life.

U.S. Department of Labor Veterans' Employment and Training Service - The US Department of Labor (DOL) Veterans Employment & Training Service (VETS) provides veterans, service members, and their spouses with the employment resources, expertise, and opportunities they need to help prepare them for meaningful careers.

DOL VETS Off-Base Transition Training - The DOL's Off-Base Transition Training pilot program offers free employment-focused virtual and in-person workshops for veterans and their spouses covering topics like creating your resume, interviewing skills, federal hiring, LinkedIn profiles and job searches, and more.