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Retirement Process

Review information on the process of Army retirement and plan out a timeline to retirement.

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Important Decisions

Outline the major decisions you and your family need to make and a timeline of those decisions.

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Spouses Retire Too

Soldiers do not retire alone, spouses and children must also go through the transition from military life.

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Contact Your RSO

Whether you are an Active or Reserve Component Soldier, consult a Retirement Services Office (RSO) at an installation, in your region, or your state to assist with all retirement planning information.

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The Survivor Benefit Plan Decision

One of the most important decisions you will make at retirement is whether to opt into the Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP) as part of your estate planning beyond the uniform.

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Retirement Checklists

View and download checklists for each phase of the retirement process to stay on schedule.


Start planning for retirement 36 months out from your planned retirement date. This allows time to fully consider all options and discuss important decisions with your spouse and children.

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Retirement Planning Guides

Everything you need to know about Army retirement from A to Z.

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Retirement Briefings

Find all the vital information you need about Army retirement in a detailed yet concise format.

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Retirement Planning Events

Find and attend a retirement planning event near you.

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Change of Mission Newsletter

Articles and information about retirement for Soldiers with 17+ years of service and their families.