Welcome to the official Army Retirement Services website. Our mission is to develop Army policies and oversee Army wide programs that prepare Soldiers and their families to retire and advocate for and advise Retired Soldiers and surviving spouses until death.
The major functions of Army Retirement Services are:
- Retirement Planning Policy and Program Oversight (3 Compos)
- Post-Retirement Services Policy and Program Oversight (3 Compos)
- DoD Survivor Benefit Plan
- MyServiceBenefits Program
- CSA Retired Soldier Council
There are Army Retirement Services Officers (RSOs) available throughout the United States and overseas for all three components (Active, Army National Guard (ARNG), and United States Army Reserve (USAR)) to assist Soldiers and their families. Click here to find your servicing RSO.
While outside the scope of our mission, the following Army retirement resources are also available as indicated:
The U.S. Army Human Resources Command processes regular retirements for Soldiers, Sanctuary Program requests, and Combat-Related Special Compensation (CRSC).
The U.S. Army Transition Assistance Program (Army TAP) provides information and training to ensure transitioning Soldiers, Army civilians, retirees, Soldiers’ family members, and caregivers are prepared for their next step in life – whether pursuing additional education, finding a job in the public or private sector, or starting their own business.
The HRC Gray Area Retirements Branch processes retired pay applications for non-regular or reserve retirements.