The Department of Defense Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP) program was established by Congress in 1972 to give retiring Soldiers a way to provide a portion of their retired pay to their eligible survivors should they pass away. Choosing to participate in the SBP program extends a portion of the benefit of retired pay past the lifetime of the Retired Soldier to their eligible survivor(s).

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SBP 101

What is SBP? Am I eligible? What are the different plans available? Find the answers to these and other questions.

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Taxes and SBP

What you need to know about SBP costs, annuity, and taxes.

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Withdrawal from SBP

What happens if you decide to discontinue SBP premium payments and withdraw from coverage?

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If you are eligible for a Reserve/Non-regular retirement, you will have RCSBP while in the gray area between entering the retired rolls and reaching age 60. Find out everything you need to know about the Reserve Component Survivor Benefit Plan.

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SBP & RCSBP Mandatory Briefings

SBP and RCSBP mandatory briefings from Department of the Army go through everything you need to know to make an informed decision at retirement.

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SBP Elections Overview

A brief overview of each SBP election.

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RCSBP Basic Questions

Find answers to some common questions about RCSBP before you make your decision.

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RCSBP Initial Election

Learn about RCSBP coverage and elections before you make your election.

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Maintaining Your RCSBP Election

Find out what you need to do to maintain your RCSBP election.