The NDAA 2023 SBP Open Season is Now

Brief Overview of the Enrollment Process 

Enrollment in SBP during the Open Season is a four-step process. 

STEP ONE: Submit the Letter of Intent (LOI) to Enroll, so we can send you an estimate of your monthly premiums and most importantly, an estimate of your one-time buy-in premium.

STEP TWO: We will mail you an estimate, based on the information in your Letter of Intent (LOI).

STEP THREE: After consideration of the costs, if you want to officially enroll, submit the Enrollment Form, including your choice for how to pay the buy-in premium.

STEP FOUR: We will mail you a confirmation of your enrollment, with your final costs, and provide instructions on how to submit payment or start deductions. Your enrollment will be effective the first day of the first calendar month following our receipt of your valid enrollment form.
You are allowed 30 days from the date you sign the enrollment form to cancel your enrollment. Cancellation must be in writing and received within those 30 days. 

For more details on the enrollment process, please see the “What Retirees Need to Know About Enrolling” article in this issue of the newsletter.

Brief Overview of the Discontinuation Process 

During the SBP Open Season, retirees are allowed to stop (discontinue) their SBP coverage. To discontinue SBP coverage, complete and submit an “SBP Open Season 2023 Discontinuance Form.” The form is available to download from our special focus webpage: 

The discontinuation will be effective the first day of the first calendar month following our receipt of your valid discontinuation form.

Please note: To be valid, the form must be properly signed and dated by all parties, including the current spouse, and any currently-covered former spouse, child aged 18-22 or natural interest person (NIP). In addition, the covered party’s signature must either be notarized or witnessed by an SBP counselor. 

No refunds of SBP premiums for the period of coverage are allowed. In addition, retirees remain responsible for any debt accrued due to unpaid premiums during the time in which the retiree had SBP or RCSBP coverage. 

Before submitting your request for discontinuance, please review the SBP advantages and disadvantages information on the first page of the Discontinuance form. SBP Open Seasons rarely occur. Consider the impact your decision will have on your loved ones moving forward. Because your beneficiaries must also concur with the decision to discontinue, you may want to review this information with them. 

For more details on the discontinuation process, please see the “What Retirees Need to Know About Discontinuing” article in this issue of the newsletter. 

Article Source: The NDAA 2023 SBP Open Season is Now