Within the ARNG, each State, Territory and the District of Columbia have an appointed Retirement Services Officer (RSO) and a Retirement Points Account Management (RPAM) NCO to help assist you with your retirement planning and your applications for non-regular retirement pay.

Army National Guard and USAR Non-Regular Retirement Planning Seminar - as of 6 February 2025

Army National Guard Retirement Services Section is a part of the Army National Guard G1, Personnel Policy Division (ARNG-HRH) located at the Hebert R. Temple Army National Guard Readiness Center (TARC) in Arlington Virginia.
Phone numbers: 520-671-7355
Email address: ng.ncr.ngb-arng.mbx.ngb-retirement-services@army.mil

Army Retirement Services develops Army policies and oversees Army wide programs that educate Soldiers and their families about retirement, advise survivors of soldiers who die on active duty/inactive duty for training, advocate for and advise Retired Soldiers and surviving spouses until death in order to comply with federal laws and DoD and Army policies, convince Retired Soldiers to remain active Soldiers for life who help Veterans get hired, inspire the next generation to join the military, and connect Americans with the Army that defends them.